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Assignment: Crisis Management Plan

Resource: Risk Management, Topic 2.3 Employee Assistance Programs and Risk Management, Topic 3.7 Crisis Management and Contingency Planning

Scenario: Your team members are employees of Cabot Nutrition, a company that manufactures various vitamins, minerals, and other supplements including infant formula. An employee was found to have tampered with infant formula during production, and has since been terminated. Several infants have become ill as a result, but all injuries have been reported as non-life-threatening. Two of your employees used this infant formula with their infants, and both infants are ill. You have been tasked with creating a response to this product-tampering crisis.

Research two examples of product-tampering cases involving real companies.

Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes explaining your response to senior management.

Include the following in your presentation:

• Describe the crisis in detail, including additional facts that you create and the results of your investigation.
• Create a Crisis Management Team that includes job titles and responsibilities.
• Summarize your communication to the public and to stakeholder of the crisis.
• Summarizeyour company's response to the crisis.
• Identify necessary employee counseling strategies.
• Develop aplan to mitigate and prevent this type of crisis in the future, using what you learned from your research as well as your own company's response.

Create correctly formatted APA references page and title page, and include a minimum of three references.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92383673
  • Price:- $35

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