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Assignment: Creating an Agenda (Question for Essays Guru)

Create an agenda for a team meeting on a topic of your choice.

Draw from your own experience working within a group with the goal of achieving a specific task. You may use your experience as a student working in a group, or develop a plan for a future learning team.

Include specific items requiring group discussion and consensus.

Write a 200- to 350-word summary of the following:

• In a virtual meeting, how can you ensure a group is communicating effectively?
• How can you ensure that each team member understands what the next steps are required to achieve the meeting's goals?
• What are the characteristics of effective teams?
• How do roles, needs, and diversity affect teamwork? Provide specific examples.
• What are components of group diversity?
• How can you ensure that each team member understands what are the next steps required to achieve the meeting's goals?

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92387054
  • Price:- $40

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