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Assignment: Create a Diversity Office

Shortly after the CNO (Chief Nurse Officer) completed her annual performance appraisal and salary evaluations, as required by the Joint Commission; you are confronted by a minority female RN that claims that her wages are substantially less than her male RN counterpart who is performing the exact same job in the oncology department. She feels as if she is being discriminated against. You realize you have no procedures in place to address these issues. Although minorities continue to be underrepresented within the healthcare workforce, your healthcare systems has continued to diversify with an increased number of ethnic and racial employees. You are aware that minorities and women will continue to comprise the highest percentage of new entrants into the labor force. You also notice that this is a pattern as this is the fourth employee that has confronted you with an issue regarding diversity (i.e. specifically differences in racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds) in the last six weeks from the oncology department.


Create a 15-20 slide PowerPoint Presentation to make a recommendation to the CEO to create a diversity office. The presentation should include the following:

• Explanation of the issues associated with awarding pay increases as it relates to performance appraisal to ensure consistency.

• Identification of components of compensation.

• Determination of the impact on diversity in the healthcare organization.

• Discussion of the role leadership plays in managing diversity and strategies to employ to effectively manage diversity

• Identification of major laws impacting the healthcare industry as it relates to hiring, terminating, and discriminating against employees.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92383755

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