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Assignment: Competencies

Distinguish the strategic actions that differentiate between successful domestic and international sourcing plans.


You have been in the Emerging Leaders onboarding learning and development program for one quarter and have experienced a few successes. During this onboarding-program you have participated in assessments and completed a leadership development outline to help you to identify and understand your organizational leadership style. Now let us move forward in the onboarding program where you are asked to develop a strategic plan outline to help you to distinguish the strategic actions that differentiate between successful domestic and international sourcing plans as an emerging operations leader.

For this strategic plan outline, you are being asked to address and answer the following questions:

• Create a table outline and clearly distinguish the strategic actions that differentiate between successful domestic and international sourcing plans:

o What does a successful domestic sourcing plan entail? Explain how you as an Emerging Leader will implement a successful domestic sourcing plan.

o What does a successful international sourcing plan entail? Explain how you as an Emerging Leader will implement a successful international sourcing plan.

Clearly distinguish and differentiate in the table outline between successful domestic and international sourcing plans.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92373416
  • Price:- $30

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