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Assignment: Competencies

Differentiate behavioral traits and highly effective habits of successful operations managers.


You have recently received a promotion from operations team lead to operations manager. The organization you work for has established an Emerging Leaders onboarding learning and development program to assist new managers in closing minor skills gaps, and to set them up for success. During the one-year onboarding program, you are required to participate in assessments and activities that will help you to identify and understand your organizational leadership style. As part of this onboarding process, and to assist you to better understand your organizational leadership style, there is an outline development requirement as part of the one-year onboarding leadership development program.

For this onboarding outline, you have been asked to address the following questions:

• Create an outline and state which of the five leadership styles (transformational, transactional, servant, laissez-fair, autocratic) best defines your leadership style:

o Why do you believe this is your organizational leadership style? Explain the traits you exhibit as an Emerging Leader that leads you to believe you possess the specific leadership development style.

o What are your leadership strengths? Explain the strengths in detail as they relate to you as an Emerging Leader.

o What are your leadership weaknesses? Explain the weaknesses in detail as they relate to you as an Emerging Leader.

Explain in the outline in chronological order the steps you will take to understand and improve your organizational leadership style.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92373421
  • Price:- $30

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