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Assignment: Company Selection and Key Factors

Use Amazon as the company for this assignment.

You will need to select the company for your course project. Using the pre-approved list of companies below, select a company that interests you. Make sure you are satisfied with your selection because you cannot change after completing this assignment!

After making your selection write a 1-2 page paper that includes the following:

• Company name and general description that includes a brief history.
• A brief overview of their products and/or services and how they meet the needs of customers.
• Description of its primary customers.
• Why you selected this company.
• What you hope to learn about customer service as a result of completing this project.

Your submitted assignment should be proofread for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Be sure to follow APA formatting, use at least two references, and include both in-text citations and a references page.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92370939
  • Price:- $25

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