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This assignment builds socialization skills and establishes the importance of mentoring to aid in career advancement.

The team has been invited to present at a conference before top executives of Fortune 500 companies. The topic the team is presenting on is "How Can Socialization and Mentoring Be Used For Career Advancement?"

Create a 15-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in which you address the following as they relate to the topic:

• How can socialization and mentoring be used to advance a career?
• How can socialization and mentoring help minimize resistance to change using the contingency approach?
• How can socialization and mentoring help people embrace these changes as a part of career advancement?
• Include Feldman's three-phase model of socialization and the six socialization tactics as part of the discussion.

Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources other than your textbook.

Format the references according to APA guidelines and include as a reference slide at the end of the presentation.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92369985

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