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Assignment: Business Plan Analysis

Some individuals, when faced with a large decision or opportunity, will step back, analyze the situation, and come up with a plan of action. What they are doing is creating a development strategy. Small business entrepreneurs, when faced with generating a strategic plan for their business, are wise to do the same.

For this Assignment, you will analyze a small business plan and generate a SWOT analysis. To begin, refer to the SWOT analysis overview in your Entrepreneurial Small Business textbook. Next, select a business plan from the following database in the Walden Library: Business Plans Handbooks (Gale Virtual Reference Library). Be sure that the business plan you select does not already contain a SWOT analysis.

In your 2- to 3-page paper:

• Identify the business plan you selected, and provide a concise description of the plan.
• Perform a SWOT analysis. See page 261-262 as a reference for the level of detailed information.
• Include a SWOT analysis chart/grid with some of the main highlights of your SWOT analysis.

In addition, be sure to address the following:

• Based on the outcome of the SWOT analysis, which strategic direction appears best for the business?
• Which business environmental factors would affect the company's success?
• Recommend specific strategies the business should take given the outcome of the strategic direction and environmental factors identified. Justify your recommendations.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92479537
  • Price:- $30

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