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Assignment Body of Research Paper Follow the directions below for the completion of the body paragraphs draft assignment for Unit VI. If you have questions, please email your professor for assistance.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to continue drafting your academic argumentative research paper.

Description: In this assignment, you will write three to four body paragraphs according to the form that is explained in "Lesson 3: The Body Paragraphs."

The following requirements must be included in the assignment: Body Paragraphs: You will construct three to four paragraphs comprised of five to seven sentences each.

Each paragraph should be between 150-200 words.

At a minimum, this portion of the paper should be around 450-600 words (for three to four paragraphs); a body section of this length will meet the minimum requirements of the assignment.

The following components must be included in each body paragraph (in the following order).

Sentence 1: Point/reason sentence: This topic sentence will contain one of your reasons.

Sentence 2: Explanation: In this sentence, you provide information that further develops or explains Sentence 1.

Sentence 3: Illustration: This sentence introduces evidence that supports the reason that is presented in Sentence 1.

Sentence 4: Explanation of the illustration: Because the evidence does not necessarily stand on its own, you need to provide explanation so that the reader will understand how you interpreted the evidence to come to your reason.

Sentences 5-6: Second illustration and explanation (optional):

You may choose to include a second piece of evidence that is then followed by an explanation.

Last Sentence: Transition: In this sentence, you will signal to the reader that you will be moving on to another point in the next paragraph.

You do this to ease the movement from one point to another. Be sure to include the introduction and literature reviewyou have alreadycreated and revised. Use APA conventions to cite and reference all sources used to support your argument.

Example: For an example of a body paragraph, please see the example in "Lesson 3: The Body Paragraphs." You may also seek out the guidance of the Success Center; the specialists are always there to assist you with your writing and comprehension.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92394818
  • Price:- $40

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