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Assignment 2: Dropbox Assignment

The Course Project

In this week, you will complete the tasks of the project topic you selected in Week 1.

Topic 1: Disease Process

Select a disease process to be studied.

Research the disease and compile a bulleted list of symptoms, diagnostic procedures, progression, treatments, etc.

Identify all of the healthcare providers in the healthcare system that can treat this illness and the potential complications of this illness.

Create a list of providers who treat this disease in your area.

Thoroughly discuss each topic.

Topic 2: Healthcare Profession

Select a healthcare profession.

Identify the level of the profession: primary care, specialty, subspecialty, combined specialty, assistant, paraprofessional, etc.

Explain the place of this profession in the healthcare system. Is it in diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, etc.? Some professions will embrace all of these areas. Note these.

Submit your answers in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document. Support your answers with appropriate examples and research.
Cite all references in APA format.

I have choosen obesity and below is what I wrote so far:

Disease Process

Obesity refers to a medical condition where one has too much body fat or is overweight. Someone is considered to be obese when the body mass index (BMI), a measurement that is obtained by dividing the weight of the person to the square of the person's height. An overweight person usually has a BMI of 25-30 kg/m2. This condition occurs when someone eat too much calories than the one required, as a result of the genetic makeup of individuals, overheating and also being physically inactive (Haerens, 2012).

This condition is a leading cause of death worldwide and if it is looked into well enough it can easily be prevented. Obesity is a disease which can increase diabetes as it causes an increase in the risk of heart diseases, stroke, arthritis and different kinds of cancers. When an obese person loses around 5-10 percent of the weight in a day, the risk of getting these diseases are reduced. Adults especially women and children are the ones who are mostly obese unlike the men (Barbour, 2011).

Apart from being a killer condition, it causes stigmatization which is also one of the most serious public health problems to the people affected. In the past and still today, some parts of the world especially Asians used to see this condition as a symbol showing fertility and wealth which is the contrary (Barbour, 2011).

In collecting data for obesity, it should be done through different qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. Quantitative methods are like interviews and questionnaires. in the interview it will be collected on telephone, face to face and through computer assistance interviewing. The questionnaires will be paper pencil questionnaires where they would be sent to a large number of people and web based questionnaires where they will be sent through emails. The qualitative data collection methods are in depth interviewing, observing and document review (Byrne, 2016).

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