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Assignment: 17th CENTURY VISUAL ART

The visual artists of the seventeenth century built upon Renaissance techniques and expressed new emotions and action within their works, emphasizing contrasting color and light and rejecting controlled linear perspective in favor of dynamic diagonals and movement. This art, called Baroque, reveals considerable variety across national and cultural boundaries and, as some have argued, it seems to reflect the social and political upheavals of the times.

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(The Hundred Guilder Plate)

Respond in writing to the following questions after viewing the resources above. (200 words analysi)

1) What aspects of the Baroque style does Rembrandt incorporate in The Return of the Prodigal Son and in the etching Christ Preaching?

2) How does Rembrandt bring out the characteristics of Protestant devotionalism in his works of art?

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  • Reference No.:- M92747840
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