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Assignment 1-Developing Communications Policy

You developed a communications policy that mapped the type of communications messages for a specific audience at a company. In this assignment, you will go a step further and create a communications plan for your selected company. Refer to your work in Assignment Titled: Required Assignment 1-Developing Communications Policy.

For the same company you selected in Assignment Titled: Required Assignment 1-Developing Communications Policy, create a complete Communications Plan with an accompanying PowerPoint presentation for key stakeholder group(s). The Communications Plan should focus on a specific project or initiative to be implemented or event to be managed. The plan should describe the specific project to be implemented including the business problem or purpose, the specific objectives of the project, and the key stakeholder groups and their role in the initiative.

The Communications Plan for this initiative should include the following:

• Goals and Objectives of the Communication Plan

• Key Messages

• Audience(s)

• Media and Tools

• Specific Tactics (describe the implementation)

• Schedule/Timelines

• Legal or ethical Issues

• Monitoring/Control Strategy (during implementation)

• Communications Strategy (to include communication of financial as well as ethical or value-based implications to various stakeholders)

• Outcome Evaluation, including contribution to the mission of the organization

The following Web site can be used as a reference for the document to be created:

• Bray, R. (2002). Spin works! Spin Academy. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Complete this assignment in two parts:

• Create an 8-10-page report in Word format covering the points mentioned above..

• Develop a 10-12-slide PowerPoint presentation summarizing the key concepts and salient points of the plan.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92779174
  • Price:- $45

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