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Assignment : Individual Power Plan

What can you do to develop your individual power base? This week, you have heard and read about several types and sources of power. For this Assignment, consider your goals and how enhancing your own power may help you to achieve them.

To Prepare

Reflect on your personal current sense of power within your organization and the profession;

Do a self-assessment of your leadership skills by doing the How Good are your Leadership Skills? assessment

How did you score? You do need not to reveal this in your paper, but hopefully it will guide you in how to apply the concepts to your own situation.

Reflect on your motivation for increasing your power within your organization and/or within the nursing profession.

Do a self-assessment of your leadership motivation by doing the assessment The Leadership Motivation Assessment found at Again, it is not necessary to post your score but hopefully it will guide you in how to discuss your motivation at this point in time.

Review the information on power in the Learning Resources and conduct additional research on your own to examine strategies that seem relevant and worthwhile for helping to enrich your power as a nurse leader.

Identify specific strategies you can use to develop and leverage sources and types of power to achieve desired outcomes.

To Complete

Write a 2- to 3-page paper, not including the cover and Reference page, describing:

A self-assessment of your current sense of power within your organization and the profession;

A self-assessment of your motivation for increasing your power base;

Write a detailed plan for enhancing your power as a nurse and a leader-manager, including specific strategies for achieving that plan. Be sure to include strategies for mobilizing the power of nursing for social change, empowering others, and building a personal power base.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92476199
  • Price:- $30

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