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Assignment : Final Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to utilize what you learned thus far. To do that you will be writing a final paper.

You will need to find 4 articles located in scholarly journals. Scholarly journal articles are also referred as primary source peer reviewed articles. A scholarly journal article can be found in the South University Online Library.

To find more information regarding utilizing the South University Library and accessing scholarly journal articles click on Library Guide.

What cannot be used for this assignment are web pages, magazines, newspapers, text books, and other books. Finally, current research for our purposes is an article that was published within the last 5 to 6 years.

Remember this is a course on human development so when looking for articles make sure that it is related to the subject matter covered in the course. To help in your search here are some of the major areas we covered in this course (these are meant as a guide, not specific topics to find).

Major developmental theories across the lifespan

Nature of geographic, gender, social, cognitive, emotional, and developmental factors during each period of development

Developmental factors that impact one another.

Historical and current trends in development

Current trends which may differentially impact the future development of populations in the United States

Social, and diversity issues related to developmental psychology

With the major areas above in mind, focus on at least two of the following age groups:




Older Adults

First, give an overview of each article, including:

Write a 2 paragraph summary for each article.

Write a 1-2 paragraph analysis and evaluation for each article found.

Make sure to integrate what you learned in your other course readings in that analysis

Then, write a summary (1-2 pages) integrating what was leaned from the articles reviewed on the chosen age groups as seen from the life-span perspective. Cover the following in that summary:

What similarities did you find in the types of research and what was being studied? What differences did you find?

Based on your course readings, what developmental theories did you find that were applicable?

Explain how the life-span perspective may provide a way of better understanding the research reviewed.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92372816
  • Price:- $50

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