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Assignment : Areas of Specialization in Psychology

In this assignment, you will learn about the field of psychology, including the many areas of specialization in psychology.

Your main post is Due by the due date assigned. Complete your participation for this assignment by through the end of the module.

After completing your readings, lecture notes, and viewing the supplemental videos, consider the wide number of specializations within psychology.

Psychologists specialize in many different areas; they study many different facets of human behavior and work with many different populations.

The field of psychology is quite large and diverse! Popular specialties include Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Health Psychology, Forensic Psychology or School Psychology. After learning about these many areas of specialization, answer the following questions:

Pick two areas of specialization; describe what each specialty is about, and what kind of work the psychologist might do. How does this specialty benefit society or humanity?

Imagine beginning your own career in psychology.

Choose one of the areas that you think you might enjoy studying or specializing in. Why does this area have so much appeal to you?

What would you like to accomplish by specializing in this area of psychology?

Please note, a good initial discussion response should be at least 150-250 words in length.

In order to earn full credit for participation, you must respond to two or more classmates in a substantive manner before the end of the module.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92574723
  • Price:- $15

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