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Assignment - Questions

1 - Many companies perform IP to geo-location analysis on their clients for various reasons such as marketing, interest or security. In 5 pages (no less, no more!) explain the techniques used to determine the true location of a host device on the Internet (this excludes mobile devices).

2 - Imagine you own a medium size company with 40 employees aged between 30 and 65 and a limited security budget. Your company provides online shopping services of electronics and computer accessories (only). In 4 pages (no less, no more) explain how you'd divide your budget between the following. Justify your answer.

  • Training
  • Creating and enforcing strict policies
  • Controls

3 - Install SNORT Intrusion detection system on a virtual machine (I strongly recommend a Debian-based Linux distribution such as Ubuntu, Mint etc). Configure it and create a simple rule which generates an alert each time a specific website is visited from that virtual machine (e.g.

Create a user with your student ID in the Linux and write a short report showing how you installed Snort, the created rules and the alerts generated. I may ask everyone to show the system running!


  • This is an individual assignment!
  • References should be "numbered" within the text (e.g. [1] - Reference 1) and selected from credible sources (e.g. Journals, Conferences, Conference Proceedings, White papers; no Wikipedia or random websites)
  • Default margins, 12 point "Times New Roman" and 1.15 spacing
  • Students are strictly advised to write their own report and avoid copying materials directly from online resources or one another. It is a common practice to read from multiple sources and write down a summary in your own words, with proper referencing.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M91947066

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