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Assignment - Annotated Bibliography

TOPIC Question

How does reliance on social media for news and information affect news consumers' perspectives on the world?

Your final research paper will need to reflect careful research on your topic. For this assignment, you will find three relevant, credible, current, and authoritative sources that you can use in your final research paper in support of your thesis or position statement on your research question. Focus on the media effects issue(s) of your research question.

You will summarize these resources to for an analytical or critical annotated bibliography.

An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and other resources used for some research purpose. Each entry includes a citation that provides publication information on a source, followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph or annotation that describes the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the source.

Find three sources of relevant, credible, current, and authoritative sources of information that you can use in your final research paper to support your thesis or position paper.

• Then, write 3 pages annotated bibliography that begins by stating your final research paper's purpose and its refined thesis or position statement.

• For each resource:

1 Start the annotation with a complete reference citation according to the style rules from the American Psychological Association. 2. Directly beneath citation, write an annotation of at least 200 words that:

? Describes the purpose of the work
? Summarizes the resource's content, including its main arguments and conclusions
? Describes the type of audience for which the work was written
? Describes its author(s)
? Evaluates and explains how the information's relevance to your research question
? Describes any special or unique features about the material
? Evaluates and explains the information's strengths, weaknesses or biases
? Explains how you will use its information in your research paper

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92385714
  • Price:- $10

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