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Discussion Board Forum

Topic: From your reading in the Helmick & Petersen text, choose either Article 7 or 8 for your article review.

• Discussion Board Instructions: Throughout the course, you will participate in four Discussion Board forums, all of which will be centered around the articles found in the Helmick text. These articles are taken from professional journals and are designed to help you analyze issues related to conflict management.

For the thread, you will write a review for an assigned article located in the Helmick textbook. The article review should be no more than 400 words and should:

• Include an overview of the problem area discussed in the article.
• Summarize any theories or conclusions reached by the author.
• Briefly provide your own assessment of the article, evaluating its strengths and weaknesses.
• Explain how the article relates/contributes toward the field of conflict management.


Using the essay topics provided below, you will write Four 5-page papers (1 topic per paper). that deal directly with the issue you have selected. You may develop the topic in any way you wish. You may use any materials presented as part of the course content to back up your opinions. The remaining essay topics should be used as a study guide for the final exam.

Please use MLA style for your Works Cited section and all formatting within your paper.

Topic Choices

1. Elaborate on the four Gs of peacemaking as identified by Sande. Use the following references for support: I Cor. 10:32, Matt. 7:5, Gal. 6:1, Matt. 5:24, Eph. 4:1-4, Eph. 4:29-32, Phil. 4:5-10, Col. 4:5-6.

2. Using all class texts and lecture notes, define conflict. Your answer should be exhaustive and identify characteristics from several definitions. In addition, discuss at least three metaphors of conflict that help to explain how people may view conflict. Why are so many words and metaphors negative when they define conflict?

3. Sande claims that conflict situations may be an opportunity to "Glorify God." Explain the validity of his argument and give 1 illustration of how you have applied this principle this semester. What were the positive outcomes?

4. Sande suggests that it is the Christian's responsibility to live in peace. Develop and evaluate his argument. Use Scripture and Christian ethics/morality to support this premise. What are some of the lifestyle methods Christians can use to carry out this command of Christ?

5. Discuss the biblical concept of "forgiveness" in relationships. Support the concept from Scripture and any of the articles from your Helmick text. What are the foundational characteristics and behaviors necessary to practicing forgiveness in interpersonal relationships? Why is forgiveness so hard to practice? To what degree is forgiveness necessary for reconciliation?

6. Discuss Cahn & Abigail's categorization of "real" and "unreal" conflicts. Define and give examples of each type.

7. Explain the basic characteristics of the following positive and negative models for conflict resolution: What are the strengths and weaknesses of each model:


1. Discuss the Conflict Grid. What kind of person is a 9/1, 1/9, 5/5, 9/9, 1/1? When is it appropriate to use each of the styles? What style is most recommended for effective conflict resolution?

2. Discuss the 4 communication behavior styles for handling conflict: Aggressive, Passive-aggressive, Non-assertive, and Assertive. What are the advantages and disadvantages? When would you want to use each? When would you not want to use each? What are the criteria for selecting the type of communication behavior style to use?

3. Discuss the characteristics of the following conflict strategies. What are the pros and cons of each? When should you use or not use them?

a. Avoidance
b. Accommodation
c. Competition
d. Compromise
e. Collaboration.

4. Discuss the roles you believe religion plays in conflict management and resolution on the international scene. Support your response from essays from Helmick & Petersen.

5. Discuss the 6 steps to confronting others presented in Cahn & Abigail 6.

6. Discuss the following communication strategies as they related to handling conflict in a positive way:

a. "I" statements - Sande, Cahn & Abigail, Borisoff & Victor
b. speaking the truth in love.
c. Minimax principle
d. concession
e. threats
f. thromise
g. compensation
h. logrolling
i. bridging
k. Consider commonalities
l. tag lines
m. forgiveness
n. empathy
o. selfishness/selflessness
p. aspiration points
q. win/win vs. win/lose
r. power
s. equality
t. language use
u. trust vs. distrust
v. stress
w. anger
x. reconciliation
y. climates
z. defensive communication
aa. supportive communication
bb. disconfirming response
cc. provisionalism

1. Discuss the pros and cons of negotiation as a method of conflict resolution.

2. Explain conflict from the Social/Psychological perspective. What are its causes and effects? Evaluate the theory strengths and weaknesses as you see them:

a. Social/Psychological perspective.
b. Attribution Theory Perspective
c. Uncertainty Conflict perspective
d. Social Exchange Theory perspective
e. Systems Theory perspective

1. Discuss the Process View of Conflict and identify the five stages or phases of constructive, successful conflict. Be able to apply the five stages to a specific conflict situation you have recently experienced. Explain the steps in avoidance, chilling effect, and competition conflict cycles.

2. Explain Botcharova's seven steps toward forgiveness and how the steps work toward solving the continuation of the revenge cycle when implemented. From what you know of Christian teaching on forgiveness, is there anything that should be added to the model?

3. What is forgiveness and why is it important? What impact will the action of forgiveness or non-forgiveness have in your personal future life and ministry? What are some things you can do to promote forgiveness in conflict situations? Be sure to reflect on several essays from Helmick.

4. Discuss what you perceive to be the relationship between unforgiveness, forgiveness, reconciliation, and justice. Use various essays from Helmick & Petersen and Chapter 13 of Cahn & Abigail to support your ideas. What are the essentials and what are the non-essentials?

5. On the basis of your personal InteractionPaper 1 Rubric of weak areas of conflict management, what are some of the areas you will target and the methods you will use to establish goals for personal improvement? Please use skills discussed from Borisoff and Victor to identify areas for improvement and methods for developing goals.

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  • Reference No.:- M92383063
  • Price:- $50

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