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Assignemnt: Comparison Matrix and Paper

This is a two-part assignment with a dual purpose. For the first part, you will complete a comparison matrix with which you will gather information on three studies related to your dissertation topic/interest area. For the second part of the assignment, you will write a paper using the completed matrix and your reading of the three articles. When you write the paper, you will be extending the research on your dissertation topic/interest area and addressing the tools used by research institutions to assure the ethical compliance of researchers.

General Guidelines:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the Comparison Matrix:

• There is no rubric for this part of the assignment.
• Download the Comparison Matrix.
• Download, and print the Empirical Research Checklist if you choose to use it.

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the Comparison Matrix Paper:

• The Comparison Matrix Paper uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

• Prepare the paper according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Complete the Comparison Matrix.

1. Go to the GCU Library and locate the "Find Journal Articles" search feature found on the library home page.
2. Use the search feature to locate three empirical articles related to your dissertation topic/interest area.
3. You may use the Empirical Research Checklist to determine if a study is empirical.
4. Read the three empirical articles, and complete the Comparison Matrix.

Use the information from the completed Comparison Matrix to write a paper of 1000-1250 words that compares the three empirical articles.

The paper will include the following sections:

• Introduction (100-150 words) with a) the title of each study, b) the author of each study, c) a comparison of the purposes of each study, and d) a comparison of the authors' statements of why the study is important.

• Research Questions (125-175 words) which includes a comparison of the research questions posed in the studies.

• Sample Populations (100-150 words) which includes a comparison of the sample populations used in the studies.

• Results (225-275 words) which includes a comparison of the results of the studies.

• Ethics Implications (250-300 words) which includes a) IRB required procedures, b) exempt status, c) expedited status, d) full review status, and e) informed consent.

• Conclusion (200-250 words) which includes a) discussion of the limitations of the studies, b) comparison of the conclusions from the studies, and c) comparison of topics suggested for future study.

Include the Comparison Matrix as an appendix to the Comparison Matrix Paper and submit as a single deliverable.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92366858
  • Price:- $35

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