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Assessment - Your task:

You are required to complete all questions and tasks for this assignment. All tasks and exercises are based on the theory content and recipes contained in your workbook/online unit.

1. You arrive at work for your shift. List 4 ways how you could establish the mise en place requirements for service. What would you need to consider to prevent wastage?

Method used to identify mise en place requirements

Consideration to prevent wastage









2. Explain the general key steps for preparing ingredients for mise en place and the production of meat dishes. Which provisions for correct storage of usable trimmings and offcuts would this require?

3. List 3 quality points for lamb.

4. List 4 restaurant cuts from a whole lamb loin.

5. List 6 fancy meats and select a suitable menu dish with the appropriate cookery method for each.

6. Using the veal cuts provided below, select a suitable menu dish and an appropriate cookery method for each.


Menu Dish

Method of Cookery




Osso bucco









7. List 4 primal cuts which can be obtained from a leg of beef (butt).

8. Why is the silverside tougher than the topside?

9. List 6 measures which elp to ensure correct hygiene standards when handling a d preparing meat and meat dishes. What would this need to include when thawing meats?

10. List 3 advantages of having offal and second class cuts on the menu:

11. List 3 restaurant cuts which can be obtained from a leg primal.

12. Provide 2 reasons why you should not stew beef topside.

13. What are the suitable temperature ranges for roasting e.g. a Striploin? What are the reasons and how do the different temperatures affect the product? What needs to be considered when carving roasted meats for service?

14. You have boned a leg of lamb and will utilise the meat for lamb schnitzel and roast lamb. Which primals would you use for either menu dish? Why have you made these choices?




Lamb Schnitzel



Roast Lamb



15. Explain the applications and uses of the following Equipment and Utensils and provide one applied example for each. What are the WHS and hygiene procedures which must be followed for assembly, and for safe use?

Equipment and Utensils

Explanation for use

Applied Example

Butcher Knife



Boning Knife



Meat Hook



Larding Needles



Sharpening Stone



Sharpening Steel



Bowl Chopper



Meat Thermometer



Butcher's String



Meat Bat



16. Complete the following table for examples of restaurant cuts from pork with a suitable method of cookery applied for a menu dish for each cut:

Primal Cut (pork)

Cookery Method

Menu Dishes






















17. Explain the following preparation and portioning techniques:

Larding -

Tenderising -

Skewering -

Rolling -

Stuffing and trussing -

Mincing -

Marinating- Instant and Soaking Application and Uses-

18. What are the advantages of ageing meat in vacuum sealed packaging?

What are the ideal temperatures for storage? How are frozen items defrosted safely?

Plan and cost basic menus Written Test -

1. Why should customer requirements be considered when determining appropriate menu styles and types of menus?

2. What are the two key questions in business planning to establish your product and services?

3. List 5 elements of detailed customer information that a business would find beneficial for establishing a customer profile:

4. Provide an example of food preferences for each of the following ethnic groups:






5. How did Escoffier's invention of the "partie system" affect the production and quality procedures in commercial kitchens?

6. Many current trends in the hospitality industry Centre on environmental impacts and freshness of produce. List 4 examples of how this affects purchasing and the nutritional and economic aspects in menu planning?

7. Which aspects do you need to consider in terms of food cost and pricing when choosing the following menu types:

A la carte

Table d'hôte -

Bistro style -

8. What are the typical features of the following menus?

Static Menus

Specials Menus

Cycle Menus

9. What are the advantages of cycle menus? Where would cycle menus ideally be used?

10. What are the advantages of a table (Pilate menu? What are the advantages if a combination of table d'hôte menu and a la carte menu is used in an establishment?

11. List 5 different types of menus which are traditionally used in larger establishments in the hospitality industry:

12. What is the purpose of breakfast buffets? What are the advantages of using a buffet set-up for breakfast?

13. Which aspects should be considered when serving cocktail foods for a function? What are the potential economic benefits of cocktail foods?

14. Generating menu ideas must be a planned process. List 6 key aspects which must be considered:

15. List 5 nutritional aspects which should be considered when planning menus for children and adolescents according to the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating include:

16. Which details for the following aspects of dishes mast be considered when planning and writing a menu?

Colour -

Texture -

Flavour -

Cookery method

Ingredients -

Naming the dish -

17. The cost of commodities varies. What actions does a chef need to take to maintain or maximise profits accordingly?

18. What is a sales mix? Why should this be analyzed frequently?

19. List 6 impacts which must be considered when planning a menu to ensure profitability:

20. What are the formulae to calculate the following details?

Retail price =

Markup =

Cost of Goods =

Margin % =

21. When costing a menu, the overall food cost must take into account items with higher and lower food cost percentages. Provide an example of how is this achieved:

22. Once all menu factors, costs and processes have been established, you will need to write and finalise the actual menu. Describe 5 considerations when selecting resources, format, print, style and correct item descriptions:

23. Once a menu has been implemented it is essential to review its success. List 5 options which could be used:

24. Provide an example for each of the following feedback methods:

25. Provide 3 examples of methods which could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a menu:

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  • Reference No.:- M92382692
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