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Asasignment: Conflict Advice

Based on what you read in Chapter 8 and in the Module (as well as your own experiences), develop at least one piece of advice regarding how others can effectively manage conflict in their relationships. Specifically, please complete the following for this discussion post:

1.) Describe your piece (or pieces) of advice.

• Your advice can focus on any aspect of conflict, such as ways to prevent or minimize conflict before it starts, how to effectively manage conflict in the moment, or how to repair any relational damage or make amends once the conflict has occurred. Make sure to highlight how communication plays a role in your advice.

2.) Why do you think this is good advice? What makes you think it will work?

• Support your response with material from the lecture and/or examples from your own experiences.

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  • Reference No.:- M92383190
  • Price:- $25

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