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As we have learned this week, there are many different aspects to development that we need to know when working with children from birth to age 8.

We must ensure that our classrooms help to stimulate the physical, cognitive, and affective development for all students. For this assignment, you will bring together your knowledge of theories, developmental domains, and learning environments to design a learning environment. The steps for the assignment are:

To prepare for this assignment:

Watch the video Touring an Early Care Classroom (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Step 1: Create your learning environment

Choose an age group (birth to age 2, ages 2 to 5, or ages 6 to 8) for which you will design a learning environment.

Go to the Classroom Architect (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or to the Gliffy (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. website. You will use this website to design the layout for the learning environment. When designing your layout, consider how the design you have created will support the developmental needs of your students based on the age group you chose.

After creating your learning environment, take a screenshot of your design. Then, copy and paste your screenshot into a Word document. If you need help taking a screenshot, visit (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Step 2: Written support for your learning environment design

Access the APA template in the online classroom for assistance with the writing process, formatting, documentation, and citations in your written work.

Introduction (one paragraph)

Describe the learning environment that you have designed including the setting of your learning environment (school, home daycare, center, etc.) along with the age of children with whom you will be working.

Physical Domain

Explain how your learning environment design supports the physical development of the children with whom you are working.

Include at least two specific examples from your design.

Cognitive Domain

Explain how your learning environment design supports the cognitive development of the children with whom you are working.

Include at least two specific examples from your design.

Affective Domain

Explain how your learning environment design supports the affective development of the children with whom you are working.

Include at least two specific examples from your design.

Developmental Theories

Discuss which of the developmental theories discussed this week are represented in the learning environment you created.

Include at least two specific examples from your design.

Conclusion (one paragraph)

Summarize the main points of your learning environment design and how it will support the developmental needs of your students.

Step 3: Assignment Submission

Submit your assignment as a two to three page Word document, not including the title and references page.

Your document should include a screenshot of your classroom along with the written support for your classroom design (answering all questions from Step 2 above).

You will need to include your textbook as a resource.

Cite your sources in the paper as well as including them on a reference page.

APA Formatting

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  • Reference No.:- M92361703
  • Price:- $30

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