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As people enter the later years of life, they usually engage in a process called life review. This involves organizing one's memories and reflecting on the significant actions and developmental milestones that have shaped one's life. Although you may not be in the late adult stage, you can still gain perspective on your life by considering the following questions.

1. Who were the most important people that contributed to your development, both as a child and as an adult? In what ways were they important to you?

2. What events or developmental milestones were particularly significant in your life? Why?

3. How has aging affected you - physically, psychologically, socially?

4. How do you feel about your life so far? Has it been satisfactory?  In what areas have you been most satisfied?  Least satisfied?

5. What did you learn by reviewing your life?  How will you use this information to shape your future?

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  • Reference No.:- M92365309
  • Price:- $20

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