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As part of the capstone experience, you are expected to compile a reflective document (M8A1: Integrated Business Portfolio) that addresses each of the eight program outcomes for the Bachelor of Science in Business (with concentrations) degree. Read the Integrated Business Portfolio Guide [PDF File Size 273 KB] for further details about the specific requirements for the portfolio. Also, refer to the Integrated Business Portfolio Grading Rubric to understand the grading criteria for the final portfolio assignment.

The final portfolio is comprised of various learning statements and supporting evidences, which address all outcomes of the degree program. You will identify your achievement of each program outcome by creating at least three learning statements and at least two sources of course work (evidence), which support your learning attainment of that particular outcome.   Your total learning statements for each program outcome should be no more than more than one page in length. Download and use the Integrated Business Portfolio Template [Doc File Size 80 KB] to complete a draft for the following program outcome:

  • Program Outcome: Communicate effectively, orally and in writing.
  • Written assignments are completed with attention to proper mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation) and ideas are presented in an organized, professional manner.
  • Presentations are professional in both their visual construction, as well as any accompanying narration.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92365575
  • Price:- $15

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