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Assessment Brief or Task:

As a HR specialist, what are the challenges you might face and what HR intervention mechanisms would you consider by using in an attempt to drive individual and organizational performance in a multinational company? Critically assess this problem by utilizing the suitable academic literatures.

You must consider the following:

A) The rhetoric and the changing landscape of HRM and Organizational Behavior domain field.

B) The HRM & Organizational Behavioral Tools ex: training, performance management, empowerment, diversity.

C) Significance of the HRM and organizational behavior theories and frameworks in assisting managers coping with cross-cultural dynamics of contemporary organizations.

D) Assumptions underpinning the way in which HRM and organizational behavior theories and frameworks have been propagated, particularly across different multinational environments.

E) The influence of culture vis-a-vis the ‘enactment’ of HRM practices in the management of individuals in multinational organizations.

Assessment Word Count Limits 2,500 - 3000 (max) including the reference list.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M9252

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