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Article Critique

Hyperlipidemia and Related Disorders

One of the topics that are covered in Unit VI is hyperlipidemia and related disorders. Hyperlipidemia is a condition that is characterized by an increase in the plasma cholesterol or triglycerides containing lipoprotein particles.

In this Article Critique, using the CSU Online Library, you will select an article that discusses recent research updates and/or findings on the management of hyperlipidemia. The article should be between three-five years of publication.

Your critique of the article should include the following:

An introduction

A summary of the article's main research findings or main points

What is the author(s) intended audience?

Discuss of whether the article contributes to the current knowledge of the management/treatment of hyperlipidemia

Future directions for research (if any are indicated)

A paragraph on what you learned from the article that were previously unaware

Other questions about the article that relate to the unit objective

Your assignment must be in APA format and approximately two pages in length (not including the title and reference page.) Be sure to cite all paraphrase and quotations appropriately.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92370689
  • Price:- $40

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