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Article : Life at Foxconn's suicide factory : The Straits Times By Connie Er

Ethical Reasoning Assignment

Students will be responsible for writing a paper that identifies the ethical issue in the current event. Refer to the article uploaded to the Blackboard.

You need to read this article and search for other relevant materials in order to answer the questions below. You are expected to cite and include all the references in your answer script.


1. What are the ethical issues behind the case?

2. Identify the key stakeholders AND their interests/demands that the top management team (TMT) should consider in the process of making the ethical decisions. Justify your selection.

3. Provide two potential solutions AND analyze their respective (costs/benefits) impacts on the key stakeholders you identified above.

4. What would be your recommendations to the solutions that TMT should take?

Formatting Requirements

The written analysis will be double spaced, with 1 inch margins on all four sides, and typed with Times New Roman font of size 12. The analysis should NOT exceed 5 pages (including tables and figures, and excluding references).

Attachment:- Life at Foxconns suicide factory.rar

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92778657

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