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Answer each question in approximately 50 words.


Chapter 1 (answer both)

1. Briefly define instructional leadership in your own words.

2. Using the information in Figure 1.1 on page 12 of Supervision and Instructional Leadership, identify which of the teacher-leader roles you have had and describe how you demonstrated leadership in those roles. If you have had not had any of those roles, choose one you would like to have and describe how you could demonstrate leadership to other teachers.

Chapter 2 (answer both)

1. Choose 2-3 of the challenges facing new teachers. Share any personal experiences you have had with these situations. Explain how you, as a principal, would support the induction of new teachers in these areas.

2. Briefly describe the different cultures of your school. Describe how effectively these different cultures work together to support student success. Explain any problems that exist between the different cultures.

Chapter 3 (answer both)

1. Explain the importance of having a positive learning climate in your school. Describe the learning climate in your school and explain how the principal supports this.

2. Rate the cultural responsiveness of your school on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) and give a reason for your choice.

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  • Reference No.:- M92366112
  • Price:- $20

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