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Answer each of the queton between 2 and 5 sentences

1) Define the difference between a criminal act and a tort
2) What are the elements of homicide?
3) How does the harm threatened by robbery differ from the harm threatened by extortion?
5) Is the standard of proof the same in criminal and civil matters? Can certain conduct violate both criminal and civil laws?
6) Why is consent not a defense to the crime of statutory rape?
7) What is the difference between incompetency and insanity?
8) What is the purpose of rape shield statutes?
9) What is the difference between the crimes of kidnapping and false imprisonment?
10) Does double jeopardy prevent a defendant from being retried if there's hung jury? Example


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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92383853
  • Price:- $15

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