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Each fully developed response (250-400 words) should include the following:

1. A clear introduction and conclusion.

2. A thorough statement of the problem.

3. A thorough explanation of the solution to the problem.

Identify the chapter and question number you are answering.

Chapter 1: Question #2

The stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed were caused in part because so many investors blindly put their money into stocks they knew nothing about. During the 1920s, it was often impossible for an investor to find out what a corporation was planning to do with its money, who was running the corporation, and many other vital facts. Congress responded by passing the Securities Act of 1933, which required a corporation to divulge more information about itself before it could seek money for a new stock issue.

What kind of law did Congress create?

Explain the relationship between voters, Congress, and the law.

Chapter 2: Question #1

Executives were considering the possibility of moving their company to a different state. They wanted to determine if employees would be willing to relocate, but they did not want the employees to know the company was contemplating a move because the final decision had not yet been made. Instead of asking the employees directly, the company hired a firm to carry out a telephone survey. When calling the employees, these "pollsters" pretended to be conducting a public opinion poll and identified themselves as working for the new state's Chamber of Commerce.

Has this company behaved in an ethical manner?

Would there have been a better way to obtain this information?

Chapter 3: Question #2

ETHICS Trial practice is dramatically different in Britain. The lawyers for the two sides, called solicitors, do not go into court. Court room work is done by different lawyers, called barristers. The barristers are not permitted to interview any witnesses before trial. They know the substance of what each witness intends to say but do not rehearse questions and answers, as in the United States.

Which approach do you consider more effective?

More ethical?

What is the purpose of a trial?

Of pretrial preparation?

Chapter 4: Question #1

In the early1970s, President Richard Nixon became embroiled in the Watergate dispute. He was accused of covering up a criminal break in at the national headquarters of the Democratic Party

. Nixon denied any wrong doing. A United States District Court judge ordered the president to produce tapes of conversations held in his office.

Nixon knew that complying with the order would produce damaging evidence, probably destroying his presidency. He refused, claiming executive privilege. The case went to the Supreme Court. Nixon strongly implied that even if the Supreme Court ordered him to produce the tapes, he would refuse.

What major constitutional issue did this raise?

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  • Reference No.:- M92373087
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