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Annotated Bibliography

This assignment is designed to help you start gathering information for your final paper.

Part 1

Select a population for your final paper. You can select one of the following approved sample populations:

Victims of:

Physical abuse trauma

Sexual abuse trauma

Workplace violence

Domestic violence victimization

Natural disaster trauma (interested in post-Katrina issues)

Military or war trauma (on soldiers and their families)

Refugee trauma

Crime victims (you can be specific about the type of crime, like robberies or vandalism)

Hate crime victims

If you have a population that may be relevant and is not included in this list, please e-mail your instructor to see if it might be considered for this assignment.

Present this information in the form of a 1-page Microsoft Word document. In your document, state the following:

Your name

Your proposed population

What draws you to that population (previous experience, previous contact with the target victim population, or target traumatic experience)

The particular issues you would like to explore and the reason for selecting these issues

Part 2

Once your selected population is approved (selection from the above list is automatically approved), create an annotated bibliography of at least eight references you will use for your final paper.

List each reference in the correct APA style format and indicate how you think the reference material addresses your research population.

The comments that you post should be brief, no more than two sentences in addition to the abstract from the reference.

Using the given template, create the annotated bibliography in a 4- to 5-page document. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92367097

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