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The Annotated Bibliography is the first building block of the Research Paper. This assignment is important as it is enables you to begin your research by selecting and reviewing three scholarly journal articles, as well as practice using proper in-text citations. At this point, take a moment to read and review the Research Paper Outline and Research Paper Instructions before completing this assignment.

Using the Liberty University Online Library, you will select three full-text, scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal articles that directly relate to one or more of the topics listed below and have been published in the last seven years. Save each selected article as a PDF file.
If you need assistance finding scholarly journal articles, click here to learn how to navigate through Liberty University's online library.

The Annotated Bibliography needs to be directly linked and clearly connected to one of the topics listed below. It is recommended that three different topics are selected to find related articles as this will begin the research process in three different areas.

Any of the required topics that are selected should be viewed from the perspective of: How is this related to personality? Each topic (article selected) must be clearly connected to personality.

1. Nature versus Nurture

2. The Unconscious

3. View of Self

4. Development

5. Motivation

6. Maturation

After reviewing each of the articles that have been selected and saved, create a 300-500 word review (with in-text citations) for each article. The summary (review) portion of the assignment will give a general synopsis of each article that was reviewed and should clearly note which portion of personality that the article is related to.

Paraphrase; do not include any direct quotes. Proper use of in-text citations is imperative. If in-text citations are not included in this assignment, a zero will be assigned. Please read and review the chapter on in-text citations in your APA manual. Do not cite sources outside of the article that you are reviewing.

This assignment does not need to include a title page, abstract page, or reference page; however, each reference must be listed in current APA format at the beginning of each summary.

You will submit 4 documents total in your submission: the 3 PDF documents that you saved (1 for each article) and your Annotated Bibliography submitted as a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) file.

A grading rubric is provided to ensure you follow the assignment expectations.

Selecting Appropriate Journal Articles

When searching Liberty University's online library, from the LUO Library home page, select "Advanced Search" and be sure to click on the appropriate dates as well as under Show Only: "Items with full text online", "Scholarly materials, including peer-reviewed". Under Exclude from results: select all three. To find useful articles, narrow the search by selecting, key words or phrases to use as your search parameters. Remember, the goal is to find articles that relate to personality and the six items listed previously.

The articles selected must be from scholarly journals. It is preferred that the journal have the word "Journal" in the title (Journal of Marriage and Family, etc.). Ideally, each journal that you review should have a Methods section as well as Data, Results, and Conclusion sections, but these sections are not required. You must not use book reviews, obituaries, magazine articles, or online articles that have not been published in scholarly journals.


The Research Paper Outline is the second building block of the Research Paper. This assignment will allow the instructor to give quality feedback that is useful for the Research Paper. Please view the Research Paper Instructions before beginning this assignment.

The Research Paper Outline must include a title page, abstract page, content using the required headings, and reference page. The outline itself must include three complete sentences under each heading with in-text citations. The three sentences under each heading should reflect current research regarding each topic as it relates to personality as well enable the Instructor to clearly understand the proposed direction of the paper. The required outline must be followed (listed on the next page).

The Reference Page must include six scholarly journal articles published within the last seven years. After completing this assignment, six of the ten scholarly references should be established for the Research Paper. Do not use your text book as a reference for this assignment or the Research Paper.

Scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles must be used for this assignment and must be included and in-text citations are required. Paraphrasing is required; direct quotes are not allowed in the Research Paper Outline. If APA formatted in-text citations are not used for this assignment, a zero will be assigned. Make sure to use proper APA formatted headings.

This assignment must be submitted as a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) file. Assignments that are not submitted as a Microsoft Word file will not be accepted.


The Research Paper will discuss 6 major ideas that make up the basics of personality theory as well as include a section on biblical integration. You must follow the outline given in Module/Week 5 to structure your paper; it is important that you do not stray from the outline.

It is imperative that your Research Paper include scholarly research and not your opinion. Your paper is a presentation of research regarding each of the required headings. Your paper must use 3rd person writing instead of 1st person (I, my, we) or second person (you) language. The Research Paper must include 8-10 pages of text (not including the title, abstract, or reference pages).

The Research Paper requires the use of at least 10 scholarly references (books and journal articles). At least 6 of these references must be scholarly journal articles. Do not use dictionaries, encyclopedias, websites, book reviews, or your textbook as references in your paper. You must use the Bible, but it does not count toward the 10 scholarly references.

Be sure to follow current APA formatting per the current APA manual. You must include in-text citations as well as a reference page within your paper. Paraphrasing with citations is strongly preferred over direct quotes. If you do not include any in-text citations in this assignment, you will receive a zero.

You do not need to submit the PDFs used as references for this assignment; however, the Research Paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) document. Be sure to review the grading rubric before beginning your paper.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92374505

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