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Annotated Bibliography Assignment


The Final Project: Defining Global Education involves two Assignments. The first Assignment - a project description and Annotated Bibliography - is due in Unit 2. The purpose of the project description is to assist you in organizing your thoughts about the Final Project, specifically your research and choice of sources. The purpose of the Annotated Bibliography is to assist you in your research for the Final Project. An Annotated Bibliography is a list of references that includes a paragraph or two describing each reference, its importance or relevance to the topic at hand, and what can be learned from the article, book, website, or other source.


For your project description, write 1-2 paragraphs in which you:

• define global education;
• define multicultural education;
• and briefly discuss why global education is important in U.S. education today.

For your Annotated Bibliography, identify 8-10 references and list each reference using APA style. For each reference, write 1-2 paragraphs that address:

• the source's key points;
• the source's importance or relevance to leadership in higher education;
• and a summary of what the reader could learn from reading the source.

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  • Reference No.:- M92384964
  • Price:- $40

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