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Annotated Bibliographies

Assignment for Human Resource Tutors Only

Please prepare a minimum of 15 annotated bibliographies pertaining to the following seven bullets of information

The name of the company is Wal-Mart

· Analyze how an HR SWOT analysis drives an HR operating plan

· Analyze HR's change management roles as part of an HR operating plan

· Analyze the effect of workforce diversity on change management plans

· Identify literature related to aligning strategies

Analyze HR audit in relation to strategy formation

Analyze organizational mission and vision in creating an HR vision with HR strategies for the operating plan

Analyze gap analysis between existing HR strategy and organizational strategy

The bibliographies should ahere to APA 6th edition guidelines and should all be dated within the last five years.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92390846
  • Price:- $65

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