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American Health Care Essay

In this unit, we learned about different institutions like family, education, religion, and health care that influence society. For the Unit VII assignment, you will answer a series of response questions applying concepts you learned in this unit and previous units regarding sociological perspectives, groups, and social structures.

The following concepts in the course textbook will be useful in helping you complete the assignment: Three Sociological Perspectives (p.15), Social Class (pp.221-234), Elements of Social Structure (pp. 96 -119), and Health Care in the United States (pp. 344 -346).

For this assignment, complete Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D as follows:

Part A: Visit a government healthcare website and briefly discuss a current government healthcare program. Discuss at least three facts about this program. This information can be found on the government healthcare website, your textbook, or web resources.

Part B: How would a functionalist, conflict theorist, and interactionist explain the government healthcare program discussed in Part A?

Part C: Explain how two or more social structures (statuses, roles, groups, social networks, and/or social institutions) affect one's access to quality and affordable health care in American Society.

Part D: What are your personal beliefs about the current American healthcare system? In your discussion, explain how at least two groups you belong to (e.g., family, gender, race, class, religion, and politics) influenced the development of your beliefs concerning our current healthcare system.

For this assignment, ensure you follow the requirements below:

1. Answer ALL the questions listed in Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D in your assignment.

2. Please answer the response questions in essay-style format. You will not be rewriting each question and answering it. You will be creating an essay that addresses the response questions.

3. Use sociological terms and concepts from the textbook reading in your essay to demonstrate you understand and can apply the concepts.

4. Cite the textbook or a web source at least once in the essay. APA style in-text citations are required to show how the textbook was used in your essay. An APA style reference list containing the textbook and any other sources you cited in the assignment is also required.

The following tutorial from CSU's Writing Center on in-text citations is a great helpful resource.The essay should be three to four pages and should use the following APA style components: APA style title page, doublespaced, 1-inch margins, and 12-point font.

Note: The rubric for this assignment contains a task section. Your task score is based on:

(a) meeting the page requirement;

(b) whether unit terms and concepts are directly identified and specifically labeled;

(c) all parts of each question are directly answered and clearly demonstrated; and

(d) whether at least one source was cited.

The rubric grading criteria involves relevant, informative, and on-topic content.

The criteria are based on whether you use indepth critical analysis and remain on the topic of the questions being asked in the assignment instructions.

Please contact your instructor if you have any questions about the assignment or the unit's course material.

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  • Reference No.:- M92386273
  • Price:- $30

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