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Sterling Services, Inc., the manufacturer of auto parts and a leading supplier for General Motors, has a tuition reimbursement benefits plan for its employees. Sterling's CEO, Trey Chan, and its Vice-President of Operations, Alex Rueda-Barrett, want you, a mid-level manager, to research the topic of online learning (also called "e learning") in order to decide whether the company's tuition reimbursement plan should cover employees' requests for tuition assistance for online learning programs.

Mr. Chan and Ms. Rueda-Barrett have given you one week to complete this assignment. Please complete thorough research on the subject of online education, as Mr. Chan and Ms. Rueda-Barrett are unfamiliar with online education. Specifically, please research the effectiveness of online learning by subject area, present the advantages and disadvantages of online learning in your report, and make a recommendation to Mr. Chan and Ms. Rueda-Barrett regarding company tuition assistance for online learning.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M998394

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