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According to the article, A Portrait of the Teacher as Friend and Artist: The example of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (2011), three ways a person can teach by example, is to offer self as an example by using your own practice, developing a relationship to teaching with moralS and virtue, and teaching with intention to bring learning. An example of teaching by learning, I would say is my daughter and myself. In the summer of 2014, my daughter had just graduated from junior high school, and she was nervous about entering high school, and if she could get through it and focus on her grades, she would need to get into a four years university. I knew that she has always heard me talk about how important your future is, getting a good grade and never given up on yourself. I thought long and hard about what she shared and how I could practice teaching by example. I then made up my mind and completely committed to pursuing my degree at Ashford University. My daughter and I now compete with good grades, and we graduate at the same time. It has motivated both of us, and when she is up late doing homework and studying, I am right along with her.

Teaching by example influences the development of ethical and moral reasoning and cultural sensitivity and awareness because the teacher is modeling what it looks like to be a good example by developing skills of self-regulation, social and emotional skills, providing an environment that is supporting and caring, which foster students to make good moral choices, avoid negative surroundings, keeping positive company and the importance.

I would have to disagree with "Rousseau categorically denies the educational power of example" (p. 513). I do not agree because I can personally attest that I have learned so much more attending school. I think returning to school as an adult who has already experienced so many aspects of life and having such a large gap from graduating high school has made me have a greater appreciation for the information and the resources available; for example tutorials, tutoring, writing center, and the library just to name as few. Now I have the opportunity to apply my life experiences to what I had learned academically which has made me so much more knowledgeable than when I started.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92375574
  • Price:- $20

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