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ABP E-Business Assignment

You are required to identify three online businesses that you feel are innovativeand write a report outlining their business models. The three examples you identify should not all be from the same country. They should also be from organisations that are of a different size (i.e. not all from 3 large organisations or 3 small organisations).

The assignment assesses your ability to be articulate, informed and to apply business model concepts to threereal businesses demonstrating an awareness and understanding of the range of issues and factors involved. The business report will be assessed on the basis of:

- Clear and logical discussion of each Business Model covering the Core Value Proposition, the Sources and Methods of Revenue Generation, theCosts of Revenue Generationand thepotential for growth stating any assumptions that you make

- Application and understanding of business model concepts

- Identification and use of three appropriate innovative business models giving examples of organisations following them from different countries/sizes of organisations

- Evidence of wider reading/research to substantiate the discussion

- Justification for statements made (e.g. logical reasoning rather than unsupported statements)

- Critical appraisal rather than pure description

- Suitability of the three businesses proposed

- Clear title, summary, contents and conclusion

- Clear citation and referencing (sources - relevance, range, citation accuracy)

- Professional standards of presentation

Appendices may be used if appropriate - these should be clearly titled and correctly numbered (these do not form part of the 3000 words).
The businesses need to be innovative and therefore NOTfrom the ones that are widely known about and have been around for many years like Alibaba, Amazon, Google, Yahoo etc. You will be marked down if you use well known traditional online Businesses that are not particularly innovative.

Word Count: 3000

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92393524
  • Price:- $65

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