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A recent article in USA today reported that a job awaits only 1 in 3 (33.3%) new college graduates. The major reasons given were an overabundance of college graduates and a weak economy. A survey of 200 recent graduates from your school revealed that 80 students had jobs. At a .05 significance level, can we conclude that a larger proportion of students at your school have jobs?

1. What is the null hypothesis test?

a. The number of students that had jobs is less than 33.3%

b. The number of students that had jobs is more that 33.3%

c. The number of students that had jobs is less than or equal to 33.3%

d. The number of students that had jobs is more than or equal to 33.3%

e. The number of students that had jobs is not equal to 33.3%

2. What is the alternate hypothesis for this test?

a. The number of students that had jobs is less than 33.3%

b. The number of students that had jobs is more that 33.3%

c. The number of students that had jobs is less than or equal to 33.3%

d. The number of students that had jobs is more than or equal to 33.3%

e. The number of students that had jobs is not equal to 33.3%

3. What is the signifignce level of the test?

4. What is the appropriate distribution to use to answer the question?

a. Uniform distribution

b. Normal distribution

c. t distribution

d. Chi Square distribution

e. F distribution

5. What is the numerical value of the Pvalue?

6. What is the Pvalue Decision Rule?

a. The data supports the alternative hypothesis of the Pvalue is greater than the significant level of the test.

b. The data supports the alternative hypothesis of the Pvalue is less than or equal to the significant level of the test.

c. The data supports the alternative hypothesis of the Pvalue equals the significant level of the test.

d. The data supports the alternative hypothesis of the Pvalue does not equal the significant level of the test.

7. What is the appropriate decision based upon analyses of the data?

a. There is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis

b. There is insufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis

c. There is insufficient evidence to make a decision based upon the data

8. Choose the best answer

a. There is insufficient evidence to support the claim that the employment rate at your college exceeds 33.3%

b. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the employment rate at your college exceeds 33.3%

c. There is insufficient evidence to draw a conclusion from the data

9. There is a direct relationship between the results of the hypothesis test overabundance of college graduates and a weak economy because an overabundance of college graduates and a weak economy were the major reasons in the USA Today's article

a. True

b. False

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92368705
  • Price:- $45

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