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A project charter is a project artifact that defines the project. A project charter defines the scope, objectives, assumptions, constraints, high-level timeline and budget, and stakeholders. For this assignment, create a project charter for a project of your choice. You can choose a small IT project, home improvement, wedding, or other project to define. If there is a project in your future or one that you would want to do, this might be a good choice to create a project charter for. Use the attached template to create a charter. Ensure you remove the examples and replace with the content from your project. Remove all green instructions. You will be graded on the completeness of the charter.

Follow the instructions and complete the following sections:


  • Business Need/Case
  • Business Objectives


  • Project Objectives and Success Criteria
  • Requirements
  • Constraints
  • Assumptions
  • Preliminary Scope Statement


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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92175091
  • Price:- $25

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