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A number of factors play a role in health assessment, wellness, and health status. Health literacy and vulnerability are two key factors that health care professionals should look for when conducting health assessments.

For this discussion, review Runkle, Brock-Martin, Karmaus, and Svendsen's 2012 article, "Secondary Surge Capacity:

A Framework for Understanding Long-Term Access to Primary Care for Medically Vulnerable Populations in Disaster Recovery."

Reflect on populations that are considered vulnerable and what factors contribute to this.

For this discussion, define how health literacy (and illiteracy) and vulnerability impact health assessments and the ability of individuals, families, or communities to acquire and maintain health and wellness. Answer the following:

What factors contribute to health illiteracy and vulnerability?

What can health care professionals do to improve health literacy and health status for vulnerable populations?

You may also use other assigned readings and peer-reviewed journals from the Capella library or the Internet to support your answer.

Your initial post should be at least 150 words and have at least one APA-formatted reference.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92387732
  • Price:- $10

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