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A. Identify what you consider to be the five most important factors/keys to a successful economy (meaning social/economic stability) over the next ten years (such as growth, wealth creation, strong middle class, education quality, health care, political stability, etc.). Provide theoretical and/or empirical support for each one of your five factors/keys. 

B. Identify what you consider to be the three most serious challenges to our future economic/social success. 

NOTE: Your choices (for both A and B) can be market, government, social, political, or global factors but they need to be factors that can make a difference within 10 years and factors that can realistically happen.  You are not required to use economic indicators for this question-it is optional. Notice that this question is looking to the future state (not the current state) of the economy and requires value judgments based on solid economic reasoning as to what are the most important factors that will lead to economic/social success or failure.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92366298
  • Price:- $10

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