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A group of students in MSIS 3233 class is working on advertising the bedlam game 2016 (OSU Vs OU). There are three forms of advertisement possible: radio, television ad and newspaper. Each television ad costs $20,000 and reaches to 10,000 viewers (4,000 men and 6,000 women). Each radio ad per month cost $10,000 and reaches 7,000 viewers (4,000 men and 3,000 women). A newspaper ad for a month costs $5,000 and reaches 3,000 viewers (2,200 men and 800 women). The group wants to reach at least 120,000 men viewers (consider it as a HARD constraint). Find the optimal number of each type of ad (integer numbers) to run so that the following goals are achieved.

Goal 1: To reach at least 190,000 viewers.

Goal 2: To spend no more than $250,000.

Goal 3: To run no more than 6 television ads.

Goal 4: To run at least 12 radio ads.

Goal 5: To run no more than 15 newspaper ads.

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92181085

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