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6-8 page paper on the legalization of marijuana and the positives and negatives of such changes in our laws. Share with me your perspective/opinion on the matter and offer research to back up any points or sweeping statements you make. For example, if you say that the use of marijuana can improve some medical issue, I want to see a reliable source (NO Wikipedia) for that information in your resources page. Or, if you indicate that the legalization of marijuana will lead to more crime, show me some research backing that up. I want this to be a logical, well organized paper, not just a paper thrown together the last week of the class. It is quite easy to spot both from my perspective.
You are required to use at least 3 outside resources for your paper (don't forget to list them on the references page). Simply stating your opinion with no basis will bring minimal points.

Your paper is to be APA formatted and include a title page. The title page and references page do not count in the total number of pages.

There are many ways you can go with this paper, so be creative. The legalization of marijuana would affect every aspect of criminal justice systems from police to prisons, courts, jails, and community corrections.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92383509
  • Price:- $15

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