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3-5 page (excluding cover, abstract, and reference pages)

  • Write paper outlining the major components of geriatric case management (including who is involved, what is involved, how it works to optimize health care resources, and patient health, among others).
  • Provide an example of why each component is needed in long-term care and where it is needed.
  • The explanation of why each component of geriatric case management is needed in long-term care must consider costs, quality, and access criteria for each stakeholder group involved (such as patient, provider, third-party payer, health care manager, and so on).
  • Summarize the ethical principles involved, and list 1 challenge that ethical principles create in successful geriatric case management.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92384715
  • Price:- $20

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