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1.When you run a comb through your hair on a dry day, why does your hair stand on end? Why do you think this phenomenon is much less likely to occur on a very humid day?

2. How did Benjamin Franklin explain electrical charge?

3. How might you demonstrate the existence of an electrical force?

4. How is it possible that the movement of negative charges like electrons can produce both positively and negatively charged materials?

5 How might you demonstrate the existence of a magnetic force?

6. What is a magnetic monopole?

7. How does an electromagnet work?

8. How does an electromagnet differ from a permanent magnet?

9 How does the movement of an electron in an atomic orbit produce an electric field?

10. Under what circumstances can a magnetic field produce an electrical current?

11. What properties of electrical currents are measured by amperes, volts, and ohms?

12. Many television crime shows depict forensic investigators using spectroscopy to detect the residue of bodily fluids at crime scenes. How does spectroscopy detect this residue?

13. Did Dalton use the scientific method in his studies of the existence of atoms?

14. What three particles make up every atom? What are the major differences among these particles?

15. What is the most massive part of the atom? Of what does it consist? Why are electrons and protons found in different parts of the atom?

16. Why is the smallest unit of an element an atom, but the smallest unit of a compound is a molecule?

17. Approximately how many elements are necessary to form all the solids, liquids and gases around us?

18. What is the relationship between a photon and a quantum leap?

19. How might an emission spectrum and an absorption spectrum of a given element differ in appearance?

20. How might astronomers on Earth use spectroscopy to determine chemical elements that occur in stars?

21. How is the periodic table arranged? How do the atomic weights change as you move from the upper left to the lower right of the table?

22. How is the electromagnetic spectrum related to quantum leaps (i.e. electrons moving to lower or higher energy levels)?

23.What happens when we teach a computer how to learn?

Let's discuss the next fascinating video : The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn

24. Please watch the following video and share your impression : The magic of Fibonacci numbers

25. Why in the world would you study Precalculus?

26. Let's talk about big data: "Visualizing ourselves ... with crowd-sourced data" : Visualizing ourselves ... with crowd-sourced data

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  • Reference No.:- M92402873
  • Price:- $50

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