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1.The following are an additional five unacceptable behaviors I would add to a department's SOP.

Off duty personal conduct- acting out above the law just because you are the law should be prohibited. Although many departments already utilize policy against this, many times these things are overlooked. Driving infractions, such as speeding, drinking and driving, etc., should be highly discouraged. Actions an officer would be expected to confront, as in public drunkenness, disorderly conduct, domestic violence, etc., are further examples.

Social Media- Portraying yourself or the department in a negative light should be prohibited. By doing so, one could open themselves or the department to possible legal recourse. Personally, one could damage their credibility within the legal realm of their position. Professionally, it could damage your position within the department, and damage the departments image.

Abuse of authority- Using your position to negatively influence others should be discouraged. Any attempt to utilize the badge for any reason other than lawful purposes should be seen as unethical. This could be trying to get out of a ticket, intimidate someone for your benefit or that of family/ friends, encouraging a relationship, etc. The badge represents justice, not personal power.

Portraying of Tattoo- Limiting derogative or vulgar tattoo's is a rising issue within many departments. Historically a military phenom, they have become so standard today they are found in every aspect of our culture and professional lives.

Limits should be placed to ensure citizens are not offended by pictures or sayings which are vile, unethical, racist or demeaning. Having something listed could cause distrust of the officer or department. Although not everyone has the same perception, basic understanding of what is discouraged should be adhered to. Limiting the reasons for public outcry and mistrust should be paramount.

Spreading information without cause- disseminating untruthful, incorrect, or unverified communication or gossip. The one thing which can tear through a department is information which is wrong, causing rumors and mistrust. Information released to the public without verification can be detrimental to a department, causing disparaging views and mistrust. It could also lead to lawsuits and unnecessary and dangerous attitudes towards officers.

Each of these should be instilled in any department to preserve their reputation and trust within their community, all the while being transparent. Progressive discipline should be utilized where there is a violation, and criminal investigations held when needed. 1 Timothy 2:2 stated it very well, "For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" (KJV).

All five of my behaviors are attributed to individual beliefs. When it comes to making decisions or choices, "It is important for officers to individually and collectively believe in certain fundamental principles" (Goodman, 2013, p. 30).

2. Leaders should first and foremost lead by example. This scripture speaks volumes about a leader having the utmost integrity and ethics, and by doing so will expect that from their followers. Being in a profession which is questioned daily on its procedures, having a leader who is questionable would be counter-productive in community trust building. If a leader is identified as one with no ethics, how can that leader expect his command to hold true to their ethics?

Although 1 Timothy 3:5 speaks to the church, "For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?" (KJV), it relates the same to any position of leading. Not only will society reject an unethical leader, those in their command will refuse, causing a mutiny of their authority. An example of this would be a vote of no confidence for the leader, and a request for their removal.

3. It is important for a leader to possess a Biblical Worldview so society will recognize they are proceeding in their mission according to His beliefs, and following the law of the land as it was originally based. Although times have significantly changed, if they still have a belief of His teachings, they will want things done right. In doing so, they will need what was referred to as "moral courage, doing the right thing even though it is the difficult thing" (Duff, 2017).

To do so, one must be open to every interpretation of the law, even if they may not agree with it. They must be respectful, and be a leader at the same time. "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity" (1 Timothy 4:12, KJV).

1. 5 additional unethical behaviors police officers should refrain from

· Posting details of a case to social media. The purpose of refraining post to social media are, at the beginning of an investigation all facts need to be determined. A post to social media on an individual's arrest can have damaging effects on their family, the community, and one's personal character. A post to social media on an ongoing criminal trial may also lead to a mistrial, since society may see what the officer has posted and have a biased opinion on the case.

· Buying alcohol in uniform or coming to work under the influence. It is the officer's responsibility to remain professional always while in uniform and on patrol. As protectors of the community and enforcers of the law, it shall be the officer's responsibility to see that they are fit for work and do not violate the public's trust. The possibility of having an officer inebriated can have damaging effects, it can cost civilian lives and officer lives.

· Members shall not make referrals. To be fair to every business within the community officers shall not refer one bondsman, attorney, or wrecker service to a suspect or victim. This will ensure that no favoritism is shown to one individual (Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, 2017).

· The use of governmental sites for personal use. Officers shall not use the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) for personal use.

Conducting background checks using this system should be used only for law enforcement purposes. The use of this site to assist a business, friend, or family member can lead to civil actions against the department.

· Conflicts of interest. Members and their families are prohibited from bidding on seized property, such as vehicles, boats, or personal belongings, that has been recovered by the department because of being evidence, stolen property, or fruits/instruments of a crime.

1. It's important for leaders of the criminal justice system to have high character and integrity, because in most cases they are the final decision in determining what will happen to one's life. If that leader is not sober-minded, have self-control, or respect the law then greed and hate could lead them to make rash decisions.

"For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality." (Colossians 3:25, ESV). The wrongdoer should receive appropriate punishment for what they do, but if the leader takes it upon themselves to go against the law then the justice system could crumble. The effects on society would be lost trust in how the system works.

3. The importance of leaders having a biblical worldview is best explained in 2 Timothy 3:16," All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness".

To me, this means a leader can take any situation they come across and find answers for it in the bible. God's word has laid a foundation for society to follow. If leaders possess a biblical worldview then giving direction will come easy, because all the answers are already given to them.

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  • Reference No.:- M92390604
  • Price:- $30

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