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1. The first stage in creating a play's design is a conceptual one. This order and process of developing a design for a play could be summarized by what steps?

2. What is the newest design area?

3. What are some characteristics of Realistic scenery vs. Metaphorical scenery?

4. Two major preparations are required of the lighting designer. What is a light plot? What is a cue sheet?

5. Which invention brought lighting to the stage in its modern form and made lighting a more controlled part of the drama?

6. The visual aspect of the play, including the scenery, costumes, lighting, make-up, and the over-all look of the stage are included in the element known as ____________________.

7. Platforms, flats, and drapery are the traditional building blocks of fixed stage scenery. Define these 3 primary components of stage settings?

8. During the 18th& 19th century, Realism led to what in costume design?

9. Modern costume design serves 4 functions. What are they?

10. What are some of the functions of make-up design?

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  • Reference No.:- M92375720
  • Price:- $20

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