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1. Affordable Care Act: A well-written concise paper summarizing the provisions of the Affordable Care Act minimum 1000 words

a. Identify a credible, professional source of information regarding the Affordable Care Act

b. In your own words, (paraphrasing) describe the key components of the ACA

c. Describe 3 good points and 3 bad points about the ACA

d. Use proper in-text citations and references

2-Healthcare Career Opportunities

Well-written paper of 2000 words discussing the variety of career opportunities in health care.

a. Describe at least 5 different opportunities including educational requirements, job responsibilities, physical requirements, knowledge, skills and abilities required by the position, and earning potential. Each opportunity should be in a separate paragraph and have a reference supporting the data presented.

b. Discuss what career opportunities resonate with you and why.

c. Use proper in-text citations and 3 references minimum.

3-Health Care Comparison: A well written paper of minimum 2500 words

a. Compare and contrast any other national health care system to the U.S. Health Care System.

b. Highlight any best practices

c. Utilize what you have learned in this course

d. Use proper in-text citations and 3 references minimum

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92719696

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