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1. What specific objections did Wilson address in his speech?

2. Did Wilson expect the League to be a strong or weak organization? Explain.

3. Do you believe that American participation in the League would have represented a sharp break with American tradition? Why or why not?

Questions over Lodge's Speech:

4. Why did Lodge emphasize that America has "millions" of foreign-born residents?

5. Why did Lodge call the League primarily a "political organization"? Do you agree? Why or why not?

6. In what respects could Lodge's remarks have been interpreted as a partisan campaign speech aimed at undermining the Democratic presidential hopes for 1920?

Overall Question:

7. Having read the information about the Treaty of Versailles and the disagreement between Wilson and Lodge, as well as the two speech excerpts, do you believe Wilson or Lodge made the better argument? To put it more simply, based on all of the information you have read, who
do you believe made the better case? Please explain.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92385628
  • Price:- $10

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